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7 Tips to Keep Employees Motivated

By December 21, 2022June 26th, 2024No Comments
7 Tips to Keep Employees Motivated - Woman Holding a Happy Face Mask

As a leader, how do you create and keep an environment where people feel engaged and motivated? Below are some key tactics to keep your employees motivated, happy, and keep your business thriving.

1. Provide supportive leadership:

Leadership is one of the key factors in employee motivation. Supportive leaders work closely with employees; they earn trust and lend a sympathetic ear – both valuable tools for keeping your team focused. Good leaders act as a role model, holding themselves to high standards of accountability that set an example for all.

2. Recognize & reward:

It doesn’t take much to keep employees motivated with recognition and reward – an employee of the month plaque, a coupon for a Starbucks latte, something to create real motivation, especially when recognition takes place in front of the group. Remember that the carrot, not the stick, is most likely to get the best out of your workforce.

3. Create a positive environment:

It’s not ideal to spend more waking hours at the office rather than somewhere else, but that’s the reality for the working professional. The work environment should be a place that puts employees at ease while encouraging productivity. This type of environment will allow people to admit their mistakes without fear of humiliation. Keep bad attitudes away – monitor gossip – make it a point to chat with each employee and learn something about them.

4. Make your business a pleasant place to be:

Working in a stale space for hours on end can take its toll. Having an aesthetically pleasing, well-lit, functional, and fun space makes work a lot more pleasant. Make sure things are well organized as a first step, and that you have up-to-date, working equipment. This means switching out that clunky back-office computer, getting comfortable chairs, or getting rid of generally anything that screams “I’m old!”. Second step, change up the art, add new furniture, organize the break room…have you thought about adding a few games to the office? It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, a little bit will go a long way.

5. Offer flexible scheduling:

Technology has changed the way businesses operate, and it’s also changed the way we work. If employees are able, and expected, to check work email on their phones or finish projects on their laptops at home, it’s reasonable for them to want similar flexibility from their employers when it comes to scheduling…and they do. In a Forbes study, 41% of employees who left their jobs stated that not allowing flexible schedules was the reason. To overcome employee burnout and increase morale, allow flexible schedules outside of the 8-5 structure so employees can focus on their mental health. You might be surprised at the return!

6. Offer a robust benefits package:

By offering benefits that address their health holistically, including physical, mental, and financial well-being, employers can have an immediate and positive impact in keeping employees happy and motivated. What benefits are you currently offering your employees? Can you spruce it up a bit by adding a gym membership? Monthly credits for a massage, acupuncture, or something else that would benefit the employees’ well-being?

7. Ask them what they want:

Wait, what? Ask my employees what they want? YES! Instead of trying to guess what’s most important to them, actually sit down with them and find out what they value, what work schedule would work best, or how they can feel more included. Now, you won’t be able to appease everyone, but letting your employees know that you are listening will go a long way. Doing the unexpected might be the best thing you can do for your employees… and your company.

Contact us today to see how MartinoWest can assist in employee satisfaction through benefits programs, robust HR/Safety and compliance structure, and assistance with employee hiring through one of our many PEO offerings. Our all-inclusive options provide support across the board with employee motivation and growth for your business.